Make every marketing dollar count by connecting with the right audience. Advertising with NACS gives you unrivaled access to the $10.28 billion U.S. college store market that reaches millions of students.
Get Started.
Let us help you access collegiate retailing.
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The Right
The Right
The Right Knowledge.
The Right Resources.
Introducing SpotlightEd, a new opportunity for vendors to connect with stores!
Educate buyers on your products and services with a 10-minute video that can promote your brand and assist stores in this ever-changing industry.
What You Do.
Create a Video
Showcase your product and services and educating stores on the value your company provides.
Maximum 10-minute video
Must use the NACS slide template provided
Provide a Description
Describe your video content to be posted on the SpotlightEd
web page on
Maximum 50 words
What You Get.
Promoted on
Video and company contact
information posted on the SpotlightEd page.
Promo will last for one cycle (4 months), then moved to a SpotlightEd archive page indefinitely.
Promotional Emails
Inclusion in NACS SpotlightEd
promotional emails.
Two email blasts sent to store members and nonmembers with a brief description of the program, company name and logo, and web link to the SpotlightEd page.
Full-page Advertisement
Inclusion in a full-page advertisement in The College Store
Ad will promote the SpotlightEd program
Company’s logo will be included on the advertisement
Social Media Highlight
Promotion on all NACS' social
media pages!
Video clip (30-60 seconds), brief description and web link posted on NACS Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter pages.