Take your store to the next level
The NACS Leadership Institute, sponsored by the NACS Foundation, is an investment in the emerging leaders of the collegiate retailing industry. The application process is now closed, and our team is diligently reviewing all submissions.
Participants will experience a range of interactive workshops, webinars and hands-on experiences that cover topics such as financial management, marketing, merchandising, customer service and leadership development. The program also provides opportunities to interact with experienced industry leaders, expand your professional network, learn from case studies, and best practices, and engage in group discussions and problem-solving exercises. The first few months of the program are conducted using virtual learning tools and resources and will culminate with a three-day conference.
The NACS Leadership Institute will accept up to 20 participants for the 2024-25 program year. The program is ideal for individuals looking to advance their careers and become successful leaders in their roles. Candidates should have a minimum of 2 years campus store industry experience or equivalent retail-related experience and carry some fiscal responsibility within the store operation (for example, product buying and inventory management, expense management, etc.).
Closely review the program schedule, travel information and the application process prior to submitting your application. If you have any questions about the program, please contact us at leadership-institute@nacs.org.
The NACS Leadership Institute is intended to assist successful applicants in developing skills and knowledge that go beyond what is needed for the operational management of a campus store. The first phase of the program immerses the participant in a business simulation that explores critical thinking, risk assessment, ethical boundaries, the consequences of decisions, and other similar situations. In other words, a foundation for self-determining who you are as a leader. During the simulation phase you will be part of a small team comprised of other participants.
As a high-level schedule, the 2024-25 Leadership Institute will kick-off in mid-September. There will be two to three virtual meetings of all participants to provide more explanation of the program, the simulation, future presentations and projects, and the culminating in-person event. Team assignments and a simulation trial exercise will occur in late September with the official simulation beginning mid-October.
From mid-October through the latter part of November, participants will meet with their assigned team at least once per week to complete weekly assignments. Every third week there will be a virtual meeting with the program facilitator, Dr Michael Levin. The program will break for the holidays and January back-to-class activities, with the next simulation assignment due at the end of January. The simulation phase should be completed by mid-March.
Following the simulation there will be scheduled webinars and time allotted for you to conduct a presentation for your supervisor and other store managers regarding your experiences, lessons learned, and newfound knowledge about dealing with challenges. The Leadership Institute will then culminate with a multi-day in-person event, tentatively anticipated to occur in June 2025. Please note attendance at the in-person event is a mandatory component of the Leadership Institute. You will acknowledge this on your application, as well as your supervisor will have acknowledged the requisite time off when they sign their agreement for your participation.
Details for the June 2025 in-person conference coming soon.
There are no fees required to participate in the Leadership Institution program. However, participants will be required to attend the culminating in-person program conference. Upon completion of the in-person conference a stipend of up to $500 will be provided to offset the travel costs. If the fare is higher than this amount, participants will be responsible for the balance. Meals and lodging will be provided for the in-person portion of the program.
Application is now closed.
All supporting documentation must be provided to be considered for the program.
The application review and participation selection will be conducted anonymous by the volunteer-led group, Leadership Institute Steering Committee. The 2024-25 Leadership Institute participants will be notified via email by August 31, 2024.
Sponsored by the NACS Foundation.